Show:Whole Sale  Day 1 (Wed)  Day 2 (Thu)
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203 lots found ExcelPrint

Summary (euro) Lots Sold Turnover AverageAv. MedianMed. Top Price
Day 2 149 7,293,000 48,946 38,000 350,000
Other Private Sales 1 4,750      
Total including Private Sales 150 7,297,750 48,652 38,000 350,000
Whole Sale 292 13,969,500 47,841 38,000 350,000
Other Private Sales 1 4,750      
Total including Private Sales 293 13,974,250 47,694 38,000 350,000
Lot NamebySireexDam Consignor Purchaser Price
283 Doctor Dino (FR) / Matnie (FR) 2021 B.G. (FR) Sluggara Farm Gordon Elliott Racing 350,000
282 Harzand (IRE) / Mathine (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Oaks Farm Stables Tom Malone / Paul Nicholls 185,000
279 Goliath Du Berlais (FR) / Martalette (FR) 2021 B:Dk.G. (FR) Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent) Grande Ville Racing 160,000
345 Perfect Ball (FR) 2021 B.G. BY No Risk At All (FR) EX Princesse Kap (FR) Stone Lodge Stud Tom Malone / Paul Nicholls 130,000
302 Eliodam (FR) 2021 Ch.G. BY No Risk At All (FR) EX Monadame (FR) Kilbeg Stables Harold Kirk / W P Mullins 125,000
249 Poet's Word (IRE) / Lady Knightess (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Galbertstown Stables Tom Malone / Paul Nicholls 120,000
347 Quartunis (FR) 2021 Gr.G. BY Tunis (POL) EX Qualite Controlee (FR) Brown Island Stables Monbeg Stables 120,000
308 Le Tatoue Madrik (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Cokoriko (FR) EX Ni Oui Ni Non Has (FR) Glen Stables Kevin Ross Bloodstock 115,000
218 Jardin de Tunis (FR) 2021 Gr.G. BY Tunis (POL) EX Juntina (FR) Lakefield Farm Ballycrystal Stables / Jim O'Neill 110,000
255 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Las Princess (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Oak Tree Farm Denis Hogan 110,000
264 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Lourdes (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Altenbach Bloodstock Tom Malone / Paul Nicholls 110,000
306 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Native Presenting (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Stone Lodge Stud Gerry Aherne / Charles Shanahan 110,000
238 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Knotted Midge (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Manister House Stud Monbeg Stables 105,000
357 Goliath Du Berlais (FR) / Regba (FR) 2021 Ch.G. (FR) Brown Island Stables Ryan Mahon / Dan Skelton Racing 105,000
363 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Ricchezza (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glenwood Stud Hamish Macauley / Highfort 105,000
315 Affinisea (IRE) / Nowhere Fast (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Brook Lodge Farm Michael Hyde 90,000
375 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Sainte Ladylime (FR) 2021 B.F. (GB) New House Farm Gerry Hogan Bloodstock 90,000
350 Authorized (IRE) / Queenlagina (TUR) 2021 B.G. (TUR) Moanmore Stables Ballycrystal Stables 87,000
352 Lord Tobin (FR) 2021 Ch.G. BY Jeu St Eloi (FR) EX Quick des Sacart (FR) Clifton Farm Gordon Elliott Racing 85,000
393 Longshore (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Masked Marvel (GB) EX Sirani (FR) Glacken View Milestone Bloodstock 85,000
208 Affinisea (IRE) / Inquisitive Look (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Frank Berry 80,000
244 Invecto (FR) 2021 Ch.G. BY Doctor Dino (FR) EX La Islaminima (FR) Brown Island Stables Olly Murphy / Aiden Murphy 80,000
296 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Miss Joeking (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Ballyboy Stables / Milestone 80,000
406 Maxios (GB) / Sylvertune (FR) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Ballyreddin & Busherstown Bryan Cooper 80,000
259 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Liss Aris (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glenwood Stud Gerard O'Connor 78,000
213 Maxios (GB) / Jenny Be Quick (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Highflyer Bloodstock / Charlie Longsdon Racing 75,000
318 Walk In The Park (IRE) / On The Way Home (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Liss House Nicky Richards 75,000
326 Choeur des Champs (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Choeur du Nord (FR) EX Parcelle Perdue (FR) Moanmore Stables Ian Ferguson 75,000
377 Gentlewave (IRE) / Santa Adelia (FR) 2021 Ch.G. (GB) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Monbeg Stables 72,000
204 Crystal Ocean (GB) / I'm All You Need (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Redpender Stud Kevin Ross Bloodstock 70,000
243 Doctor Dino (FR) / La Garde Royale (FR) 2021 B:Dk.G. (FR) Sluggara Farm Vendor 70,000
300 Maxios (GB) / Molly's Affair (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Robert Tyner 70,000
341 Blue Bresil (FR) / Presenting Diva (IRE) 2021 B.F. (GB) Glenwood Stud Monbeg Stables 70,000
225 Marvetta (FR) 2021 B.F. BY Masked Marvel (GB) EX Kendoretta (FR) Boardsmill Stud Peter & Ross Doyle / Tizzard 68,000
214 Blue Bresil (FR) / Jessber's Dream (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Rathbarry Stud Ballyboy Stables / Milestone 65,000
235 Berkshire (IRE) / Kneeland Lass (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Creighmore Stables Highflyer Bloodstock / N J Henderson 65,000
284 No Risk At All (FR) / Mauny (FR) 2021 Ch.F. (FR) Lakefield Farm Gaynestown Stud 65,000
401 Affinisea (IRE) / Stowaway Evening (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Stone Lodge Stud (Agent) Kevin Ross Bloodstock 65,000
273 Jack Hobbs (GB) / Manaphy (FR) 2021 B.G. (GB) Liss House LJB 62,000
280 Getaway (GER) / Martovic (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Ennel Bloodstock John McConnell Racing 60,000
319 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Or des Joncs (FR) 2021 Gr.G. (IRE) Ralahine Stud Ballyboy Stables / Milestone 60,000
322 Harzand (IRE) / Our Soiree (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Drumloose Stables Kevin Ross Bloodstock 60,000
333 Authorized (IRE) / Pepper Blossom (GER) 2021 B.G. (TUR) Moanmore Stables Harold Kirk / W P Mullins 60,000
239 Jimmy Two Times (FR) / Kolosseum (GER) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Shanaville Stables Highflyer Bloodstock / W Greatrex 55,000
272 Poet's Word (IRE) / Maizy (GB) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent) Ryan Mahon / Dan Skelton Racing 55,000
304 Getaway (GER) / Myska (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castletown Quarry Stud Highflyer Bloodstock / Anthony Honeyball Racing 55,000
309 Enzo du Mazet (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Kapgarde (FR) EX Nina La Belle (FR) Lakefield Farm Charlestown Racing 55,000
395 Well Chosen (GB) / Solution Set (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) T Finn 52,000
205 Sholokhov (IRE) / Ile En Crise (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Rathbarry Stud Peter & Ross Doyle 50,000
223 Doctor Dino (FR) / Katkobella (FR) 2021 B.F. (FR) Oak Tree Farm Edward & Jane James 50,000
269 Diamond Boy (FR) / Ma Garrett (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Stone Lodge Stud (Agent) Ross Doyle / Gaynestown Stud 50,000
335 Order of St George (IRE) / Pisces (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Noughaville Stud Ballyboy Stables 50,000
301 Harzand (IRE) / Molo (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Stone Lodge Stud (Agent) LJB 48,000
364 Blue Bresil (FR) / Roaming Wild (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Lot Not Sold 48,000
366 Spellcaster (FR) 2021 Ch.G. BY Masked Marvel (GB) EX Roselia Rouge (FR) Yellowford & Drumlin Sam Curling 47,000
285 Frontiersman (GB) / Mawaweel (IRE) 2021 B.G. (GB) Clifton Farm U K P2P 45,000
351 Dink (FR) / Queensland (FR) 2021 B.G. (FR) Altenbach Bloodstock David Phelan 45,000
362 Look Me (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Jeu St Eloi (FR) EX Ria Rosa (FR) Clifton Farm Highflyer Bloodstock 45,000
397 Getaway (GER) / Special Choice (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Coolruss Stud Cotswold Bloodstock 45,000
231 Kill Vanhowe (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Ivanhowe (GER) EX Kilfenora (FR) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Vendor 44,000
383 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Shantou Rose (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Graigue Farm Milestone Bloodstock 44,000
228 Success Days (IRE) / Kilbarry Angel (IRE) 2021 Gr.G. (IRE) Churchlands Stables Kevin Ross Bloodstock / Ben Case 42,000
240 Poet's Word (IRE) / Kopitar (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Woodhouse Stud Stroud Coleman Bloodstock / O'Neill Racing 42,000
253 Walzertakt (GER) / Lady Willa (IRE) 2021 B.G. (GB) Lakefield Farm John Casey 42,000
262 Poet's Word (IRE) / Lockeen Girl (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Quanstown Stud Highfort 42,000
323 Westerner (GB) / Our Valentina (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Graigue Farm U K P2P 42,000
346 Lully du Houx (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Buck's Boum (FR) EX Pruneyle Do (FR) R.H. Bloodstock Vendor 42,000
370 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Royale Flag (FR) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Belleville (Agent) Quality Bloodstock 42,000
276 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Mardale (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Park Farm Highfort 40,000
288 Jukebox Jury (IRE) / Midnight Streaker (GB) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Clock Tower Stud G & R Bloodstock 40,000
291 Lirakali (FR) 2021 Ch.G. BY Voiladenuo (FR) EX Mirakaline (FR) Abbey Stables Ballinakill Stables 40,000
334 Poet's Word (IRE) / Perfect Woman (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Islandavanna Bloodstock Milestone Bloodstock 40,000
342 Wings of Eagles (FR) / Primo Scintilla (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glen Stables Roddy O'Byrne 40,000
343 Blue Bresil (FR) / Princess Tara (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock J J Bowe 40,000
354 Liberator (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Tunis (POL) EX Razia (FR) Creighmore Stables Alana McGuinness 40,000
361 Vrheligonne (FR) 2021 B:Dk.F. BY Goliath Du Berlais (FR) EX Rheliga (FR) Rathturtin Stud Kingsfield Stud 40,000
368 Order of St George (IRE) / Rostellan (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Mount Eaton Stud Galgystown Stables 40,000
379 Poet's Word (IRE) / Shali San (FR) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Glen Stables Milestone Bloodstock 40,000
207 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Innocent Girl (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Graiguebeg Stud LJB 38,000
227 Yeats (IRE) / Keyaza (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Glenspring Farm John McConnell Racing 38,000
251 Kingston Hill (GB) / Lady Provocateur (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Drumsawry House Farm Monbeg Stables 38,000
358 Poet's Word (IRE) / Reindorse (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Shanaville Stables Milestone Stables / Jim O'Neill 38,000
209 Crystal Ocean (GB) / It's O Kay (GB) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Lot Not Sold 37,000
246 Poet's Word (IRE) / La Sarrazine (FR) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Creighmore Stables Monbeg Stables 37,000
258 Order of St George (IRE) / Lettre de Cachet (GB) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Hawthorn Villa Stud Monbeg Stables 36,000
260 Little Boy Sivola (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Victory Song (IRE) EX Little Memories (IRE) Clifton Farm Vendor 36,000
382 Court Cave (IRE) / Shantelle Line (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Loughview Stud Grange Stables 36,000
219 Idaho (IRE) / Just In There (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Rob James 35,000
220 Maxios (GB) / Kaituna (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Clock Tower Stud Ed Bailey Bloodstock (P.S.) 35,000
242 Telescope (IRE) / La Doelenaise (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Clifton Farm Ballycrystal Stables 35,000
290 Maxios (GB) / Millys Girl (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) White Horse Stud Monbeg Stables 35,000
400 Jukebox Jury (IRE) / Step On My Soul (IRE) 2021 Gr.F. (IRE) Galbertstown Stables J D Moore / Chris Honour 35,000
293 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Miss Bobs Worth (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Will Biddick 34,000
391 Telescope (IRE) / Silver Coaster (IRE) 2021 B.G. (GB) Brook Lodge Farm Keep The Faith Bloodstock 34,000
394 Feel Like Dancing (GB) / Sister Bernadette (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) The Borotown Stud Frances Fennessy 34,000
402 Loulou Madrik (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Choeur du Nord (FR) EX Sunday Madrik (FR) Sluggara Farm Lot Not Sold 34,000
270 Vadamos (FR) / Ma Hoey (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Peter & Ross Doyle / Tizzard 33,000
275 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Maracuja (GB) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Manister House Stud Mags O'Toole 33,000
232 Jet Away (GB) / Killotteran (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Castletown Quarry Stud Vendor 32,000
277 Poet's Word (IRE) / Market Niche (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Boardsmill Stud Milestone Bloodstock / Ballyboy Stables 32,000
365 Poet's Word (IRE) / Rory's Rainbow (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Kilbeg Stables Monbeg Stables 32,000
381 Vadamos (FR) / Shannon Theatre (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Quanstown Stud C S Bloodstock 32,000
224 Feel Like Dancing (GB) / Kells Hall (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Kell Hall Bloodstock (P.S.) 30,000
256 Poet's Word (IRE) / Lecon Benefique (IRE) 2021 B.F. (GB) Ballincurrig House Stud Cobajay Stables 30,000
310 Sholokhov (IRE) / Ninety Seconds (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Springmount Stud Vendor 30,000
324 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Ouro Verde (IRE) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Churchlands Stables Monbeg Stables 30,000
329 Court Cave (IRE) / Patrola (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Boardsmill Stud Monbeg Stables 30,000
349 Jukebox Jury (IRE) / Quaspia (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glen Stables Brian Hassett 30,000
404 Affinisea (IRE) / Supreme Dollar (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Suirview Stables Vendor 30,000
267 Poet's Word (IRE) / Lulu Rouge (FR) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Woodbrook Stud Nicky Stokes 29,000
330 Poet's Word (IRE) / Pearl Diamond (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castletown Quarry Stud Branackstown Stud 29,000
206 Getaway (GER) / Illwalktheline (IRE) 2021 Br.F. (IRE) Yellowford & Drumlin Vendor 28,000
229 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Kilbarry Gem (IRE) 2021 Ch.F. (IRE) Railstown Stud Lot Not Sold 28,000
320 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Our Girl Salley (IRE) 2021 B.F. (GB) Glen Stables Lot Not Sold 28,000
353 Masked du Luy (FR) 2021 B/Br:Pa.G. BY Masked Marvel (GB) EX Quintalea (FR) Belleville (Agent) Tom Bennett 28,000
390 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Siberian Vixen (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glenvale Stud Baltimore Stables 28,000
294 Jet Away (GB) / Miss Cave (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Moyfinn Stud Monbeg Stables 27,000
367 Vadamos (FR) / Rosshaven Lady (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Springmount Stud Ballycrystal Stables 26,000
373 Sholokhov (IRE) / Sagarich (FR) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Baroda Stud Denis Hogan 26,000
257 Poet's Word (IRE) / Leo's Spirit (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ennel Bloodstock Revine Ltd 25,000
278 Sholokhov (IRE) / Marmalade Mist (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Coolruss Stud Vendor 25,000
303 Vadamos (FR) / Mrs Jay Dee (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Kilbride House Stud Vendor 25,000
307 Cracksman (GB) / Navajo Charm (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Peel Hall Stables Tom Malone Bloodstock (P.S.) 25,000
325 Poet's Word (IRE) / Outback Ivy (IRE) 2021 B/Br.G. (IRE) Clonmore House Stud Highfort 25,000
339 Shirocco (GER) / Popalong (IRE) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Liss House Popalong 25,000
344 Pack Ball (FR) 2021 B.G. BY No Risk At All (FR) EX Princesse Fiona (FR) Moanmore Stables Gaynestown Stud 25,000
356 Poet's Word (IRE) / Regal Spirit (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Boardsmill Stud Cudgley Stables 25,000
226 Poet's Word (IRE) / Keppols Queen (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Kilmoney Cottage Stables Lot Not Sold 24,000
389 Shirocco (GER) / Shuil Direach (IRE) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Whitebarn Stud Ian McCarthy 24,000
316 Maxios (GB) / Numero Huit (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Eli Creek House Eamonn Doyle / Declan Doyle 23,000
405 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Swiss Bliss (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Brown Island Stables Monbeg Stables 23,000
245 Bande Organisee (FR) 2021 B:Dk.G. BY Bande (IRE) EX La Limagne (FR) Liss House Vendor 22,000
261 Harzand (IRE) / Littlemissfit (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Ballyboy Stables 22,000
338 Westerner (GB) / Pollyogan (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Hillview Stud Vendor 22,000
216 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Jolucy (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Kellistown Stud Monbeg Stables 20,000
236 Vadamos (FR) / Knock Down (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Baroda Stud Terence O'Brien 20,000
241 Jet Away (GB) / Kygo (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) White Horse Stud Paurick O'Connor 20,000
250 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Lady of The Hall (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Clonaltra Stables (Agent) Derrypatrick Ltd 20,000
266 Maxios (GB) / Lucy Cave (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Calluna House Stud Gaynestown Stud (P.S.) 20,000
271 Kingston Hill (GB) / Mags Millar (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Graiguebeg Stud D P O'Dwyer Bloodstock 20,000
286 Order of St George (IRE) / Me Auld Segosha (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Sherbourne Lodge Vendor 20,000
297 Mahler (GB) / Miss McGoldrick (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Redbridge Stables Cian Collins 20,000
340 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Presenteea (IRE) 2021 B.F. (GB) Baroda Stud Monbeg Stables 20,000
348 Westerner (GB) / Quarryanna (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Monanore Stables Jonathan Moore 20,000
378 Shirocco (GER) / Seaview Present (IRE) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Ballykineally Stables Eric McNamara 20,000
387 Idaho (IRE) / Sherika (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Killeen Stables Crossgales Stables 20,000
212 Milan (GB) / Jean Bishop (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Glen Stables John Snook 19,000
314 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Now Let Go (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Noughaville Stud Know when to foal em Partnership 19,000
332 Getaway (GER) / Penny Jane (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ballybryan Stud Leavy - Rhode GAA (P.S.) 19,000
210 Pixie Dust (FR) 2021 Gr:Dk.F. BY Falco (USA) EX Ixora (IRE) Greenlands Farm Stud Lot Not Sold 18,000
221 L'Engrenage (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Voiladenuo (FR) EX Kap d'Arabie (FR) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Lot Not Sold 18,000
252 Vadamos (FR) / Lady Rua Dargent (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Lot Not Sold 18,000
274 Berkshire (IRE) / Mandarli (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Moyfinn Stud Grange Stables 18,000
281 Shirocco (GER) / Maryota (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Brendan Kane 18,000
372 Westerner (GB) / Rudi Tuesday (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Vendor 18,000
371 Getaway (GER) / Royale Video (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) White Horse Stud Monbeg Stables 17,000
385 Jet Away (GB) / She's On The Case (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Parkville Stud Crawford Bros 17,000
265 Shirocco (GER) / Luanna (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Garryrichard Stud Vendor 16,000
312 Coup d'Essay (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Bande (IRE) EX No Risk Together (FR) Rathturtin Stud Ratoath Bloodstock 16,000
355 Getaway (GER) / Regal Empress (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Peel Hall Stables Syndicates racing (P.S.) 16,000
374 Califet (FR) / Sahara Breeze (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Graigue Farm Max Young 16,000
403 Maxios (GB) / Sunshine Haven (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) Glennconnor Stud 16,000
295 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Miss Fleming (GB) 2021 Ch.G. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Jimmy Kelly 15,000
388 Marcel (IRE) / Shop Dj (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Railstown Stud Keep The Faith Bloodstock 15,000
230 Idaho (IRE) / Kilbricken Light (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Newtown Stud Vendor 14,000
247 Yeats (IRE) / Lackadora (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Clononeen Stud Vendor 14,000
248 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Lady Dromlac (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Railstown Stud Lot Not Sold 14,000
360 Wings of Eagles (FR) / Reynard's Glen (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Hillcrest Stables Lot Not Sold 14,000
234 Shirocco (GER) / Kissesforlizzy (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Mount Brown Farm Lot Not Sold 13,000
399 Idaho (IRE) / Starofcountydown (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Castledillon Stud (Agent) JD Moore / GOL Racing (P.S.) 12,500
215 Order of St George (IRE) / Jezuki (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Glennconnor Stud 12,000
289 Maxios (GB) / Milling Road (IRE) 2021 Br.F. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Turlough O'Connor 12,000
233 Vadamos (FR) / Kings Artist (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Castletown Quarry Stud Chris Honour (P.S.) 11,500
254 Getaway (GER) / Ladyjessica (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Glen Stables Lot Not Sold 11,000
392 Marcel (IRE) / Sinndarelli (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Hillcrest Stables Lot Not Sold 11,000
287 Fascinating Rock (IRE) / Meri Devie (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Peter Nolan Bloodstock Peter & Ross Doyle / Gaynestown Stud 10,000
305 Libertarian (GB) / Nagini (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Rathturtin Stud A Ryan 10,000
321 Ocovango (GB) / Our Katie (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Glen Stables Coolbawn Stables 10,000
337 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Polished Diamond (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Rathturtin Stud Vendor 10,000
237 Crystal Ocean (GB) / Knocklayde Rose (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) The Glebe Farm Lot Not Sold 9,000
263 Poet's Word (IRE) / Louise Royale (FR) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Ballincurrig House Stud Patrick O'Connor 8,000
292 Blue Bresil (FR) / Miranda's Way (IRE) 2021 B.F. (IRE) Vinesgrove Stud Vendor 8,000
317 Maxios (GB) / Off To The Theatre (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Middleton Park Stud Vendor 8,000
336 Ocovango (GB) / Playhara (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Clononeen Stud Vendor 7,000
222 Jacharrhini (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Jack Hobbs (GB) EX Katarrhini (GB) Greenlands Farm Stud Vendor 6,000
311 Sea Moon (GB) / No One Tells Me (GB) 2021 Ch.F. (IRE) Clock Tower Stud John Hanlon 6,000
211 Kingston Hill (GB) / J'Espere (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Abbey Stables Lot Not Sold
217 Vadamos (FR) / Julie Coco (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) White Horse Stud Lot Not Sold
268 Walk In The Park (IRE) / Lyrical Theatre (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Coolmara Stables Ltd Lot Withdrawn
298 Capri (IRE) / Miss Xian (IRE) 2021 Gr.G. (IRE) Glenvale Stud Lot Withdrawn
299 Jet Away (GB) / Moe Joe (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Castletown Quarry Stud Lot Withdrawn
313 Nathaniel (IRE) / Nouvelle Lune (GB) 2021 Ch.G. (GB) Peel Hall Stables Lot Withdrawn
327 Paris Man (FR) 2021 B.G. BY Jeu St Eloi (FR) EX Parimans (FR) Ballyreddin & Busherstown Lot Withdrawn
328 Jet Away (GB) / Parkview Wave (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Wardington Gate Farm Lot Withdrawn
331 Harzand (IRE) / Peggy Maddock (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Blackhorse Stud Lot Withdrawn
359 Lutece Borget (FR) 2021 B:Lt.F. BY Silverwave (FR) EX Reine de Re (FR) Rathturtin Stud Lot Withdrawn
369 Maxios (GB) / Royal Debutante (IRE) 2021 Br.G. (IRE) Clonaltra Stables (Agent) Lot Not Sold
376 Telescope (IRE) / Samarayia (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Oaks Farm Stables Lot Withdrawn
380 Soldier of Fortune (IRE) / Shameena (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Clonsast Stud Lot Withdrawn
384 Shirocco (GER) / Sharifa (GER) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Manor Farm Lot Withdrawn
386 Getaway (GER) / Shees A Dante (IRE) 2021 B.G. (IRE) Moanmore Stables Lot Withdrawn
396 Barascaria Ten (FR) 2021 B:Dk.G. BY Barastraight (GB) EX Spartes Eria (FR) R.H. Bloodstock Lot Withdrawn
398 Muhaarar (GB) / Star Squared (GB) 2021 B.G. (GB) Upton Court Stables Lot Withdrawn